Jumat, Agustus 28, 2009

my influence

  • Karen O from Yeah Yeah Yeahs
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  • Karina Utomo from Young and Restless
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Jumat, Agustus 21, 2009

Lomba Agustus

hello long time no post since my last post yaaa. hmm i just want to share about story las thursday (on 13/08/2009). My school was held a 3 competitions there is the tug war (tarik tambang), bakiak, and the most interesting games is SALOME (satu lobang rame-rame, don't imagine any more haha). i participated in salome games ckck it's so terrible but so fun. i just took some pictures and have fun with my friends it's so happy day.
TB ARMY & the girls from MZR 22

salome (satu lobang rame-rame XII SOCIAL 1), take a loot at the picture ckck riot! wakakak

ini salome kelas gue XII SOCIAL 3 wakakakak cacat kelas ips yg lain udh pada muter balik kelas gue baru nyampe tangah lapangan OH MY......................... memalukan sekali modal semangat doang haha

Rabu, Agustus 12, 2009

analog, analoooooooooog

canon analog & flash

ANALOG oh ANALOGcanon oh canon
hmm 1 week ago i ask my dad, did he know about analog camera? and he said "yes, i knew. i've the analog camera but it was an old camera, its already too old." and then i told my father to took his analog camera huaaaaaa and he was given the analog wuiaaaaaah i'm so happy although this is an old camera. i would buy the camera film for this camera to look the result of this camera

Sabtu, Agustus 08, 2009

JAVA ROCKIN' LAND, i canceled it

okay today i plan to go to ancol to watch JAVA ROCKIN' LAND. but unfortunately i couldn't go there because my mom wasn't give me permission hufh so fuck*ng asshole. hmm maybe my mom thinks ancol would be bomb by the terorist, while Noordin M. TOP already dead last morning wuakakakaak finally the most wanted terorist in indonesia was dead. I'm really dissapaointed with my mom because i've already buy the ticket JAVA ROCKIN' LAND finally i sold my ticket to Chicha, my ticket price was Rp 180.000,-. 125rb I bought it Rp. 125.00 and sold it Rp. 180.000,-. Rp 100.000,- i would save it back to my account in mandiri if my mom knew i use the money from my account, absolutely my mom would be angry, ooh pity me :'(
tiket kenangan sebenernya ini tiket kucay yg di titipin ke gue, gue print cm buat pajangan huahauaha :(

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ini alesan gue knp pgn bgt dtg JRL hari kedua, alhasil ga jadi nonton
band inceran gue deh ckck -,-
(printscreen yg satu lg cacat jd upload nanti lg deh)

monday is unlucky day

aaaaaah senin minggu ini awal gue masuk sekolah tp itu jadi hari sial pertama gue ckck seperti biasa berangkat sekolah jam 06.25 naik motor jemput soang yg nunggu di bunderan biasalah nebeng wekekekek baru jalan sampai apotik satiti (blm terlalu jauh dari bunderan), gue kecelakan aja gitu tabrakan hmm lebih tepatnya diserempet. itu juga salah gue sm salah yg nyerempet gue. gue pgn ga kejebak macet di dpn giant makanya mau belok kanan satiti biar keluar2 ga macet eh tapi gue lupa mau belok jadinya baru pasang lampu sen trs agak ngerem eh motor belakang ngebut trs nyerempet gue gitu lumayan kenceng alhasil gue jatoh dari motor sama soang, motor gue spion kanan patah sm cap lampu sebelah kiri kebeset, Puji Tuhan kaki gue cuma luka dikit, lecet kalo soang lukanya lbh mengerikan drpd gue lukanya lbh lebar trs lebih dlm iuuuuuh :p
yg begonya si soang udah tau jatoh msh aja tiduran ga bangun-bangun gue aja yg kakinya ke jepit motor udh bisa bangun mlh ketawa-tawa haha
motor yg nyerempet gue ga ngerti dia kabur apa ikut nolongin abis gue sibuk ngurus diri gue dulu haha
yg gue malesin kalo udh kaya gitu pst di liatin byk org ckck si soang udh mau nangis aja tuh kalo gue mah cacat abis jatoh luka-luka malah ketawa tawa wuakakakak, cacat sekali bukan?
nico yg ngeliat gue jatoh langsung nolongin, didit juga nyamperin tp dia mah ga ngebantuin malah ngatain soang hahahaha. akhirnya gue berangkat ke sekolah lg dgn keadaan compang camping -,- langsung deh masuk uks ngobatin luka. untungnya cuma kaki gue yg luka bukan gigi gue yg kena aspal bisa mubazir nih behel wuakakak