Minggu, Juli 26, 2009

cigareds's banner

iseng nyoba bikin banner buat cigareds wekekeke masih standar banget sih hasilnya, tapi yg bikin sedih cigareds di ambang bubar jadi sia-sia banner yg gue buat kalo mereka bubar huhu, curhat colongan gini huahaha

cigareds banner
give me an advice for this banner!

brachess is so painful

hmm yeaaaah last saturday where I just to see a dentist as same as 2 weeks ago but the difference if the dentist is now to attach a brachess. dag dig dug der DAIA zzzz (-,-) my heart sounds wuakakakak.
you know why?
because, certainly there are teeth in the pull nah definitely is so painful, DI CABUT PAKSA KEJAAAAAAAAM. turns a gear though the drug is still in pain when the pull. 1 tooth have already pulled up. hmm exactly the teeth that should have the pull 4 teeth. 1 teeth is already pulled is so sooo soooo pain. i can't imagine i should pull 3 teeth again. foto ini juga gua pake buat profile picture gue di fb sama display picture gue di msn (norak sekali buka langsung pamer wuakakak) dan tau apa reaksi sm komen dari temen gue pas liat foto gigi berbehel gue? ga jauh jauah dari ngehina. "makin doer dong bibir lo, ren", "berarti bibir lo makin maju ya ren?", "makin kaya bemo ntar bibir lo ren", "bibir lo makin sexy sama tambah doer tuh ren"
terimakasih ya teman -teman atas semua pujiannya, blengsek lu semua wuakakak
behel baru
it's my new brachess, so painfull huhu

Minggu, Juli 19, 2009

sick HELL NO!

hmm last saturday i didn't go anywhere just went to dentist with my mom to clean my teeth. hmm i shock to hear my mom told me to use brachess. hmm jadinya selain bersihin karang gigi sm bikin gigi baru buat gigi dpn gue yg patah, gigi gue di kasih 7 karet gitu di bagian geraham atas sm bawah. ga sakit sih cm risih kaya ngeganjel gitu hufh
tp tangan gue ga bisa diem jadinya tuh karet di gigi gue copot satu persatu gara-gara gue tusuk-tusuk huahahahaha. FYI karet itu di pasang biar giginya renggang biar gampang pas di pakein behelnya. hmm 1 yg di pasang bukan karet tp besi kecil gitu makin malem makin kerasa sakit gigi gue. mana gigi buatan yg depan jadi ngilu gitu ckck akibat tangan gue yg usil karet giginya lepas 5 huahahaha
dulu sih pas smp gue pgn pake behel secara gigi gua ancur berantakan gini, tp skrg udh ga niat eh giliran udah ga niat di suruh pake.
ga kebayang gmn sakitnya kalo udh pake behel, giginya di cabut paksa fiuh

Kamis, Juli 16, 2009

fuckin' slow

hmmm belakang ini internet rumah gue jadi lemot bgt ga tau kenapa pokoknya sejak di pake abang gue buat buka situs game atau apalah gue ga ngerti, baru brp menit main udah drop connection gitu di repair connection aja ga mempan ckck (jadi curhat gini), jadi pengen ganti speedy lg deh huh Wireless cuma lancar pas awal doang ckck -,-

Rabu, Juli 08, 2009

playin' with the bubble

last tuesday i did some photo session with dennis, my closet friend. hmm angel didn't join to this photo session because she suddenly went to tessa kaunang's birthday party. so, i just took some photo with dennis. i took some photos with my new digital camera, panasonic lumix. panasonis lumix is really coo, i love it!
here is these photo, check these out!

i really like this picute so muuuucho <3

(++more photos, click here)
maybe next time i'll do photo sesiion again with bubble in the other place, please give me some advice yaa!